
STEP (SNAP培训和就业计划)

Helping SNAP recipients find high wage and high demand jobs through 博天堂官方

博天堂官方 步计划 is for students who are receiving SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition 援助计划)福利. 作为STEP的参与者,学生得到了提高 academic and financial support in reaching their educational and career goals. 的 步计划 can help with pre-college preparation and funding for classes such as GED, GED Spanish, Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESOL).  STEP can help students with funding and coaching while completing college courses 获得证书和/或副学士学位. 此外,STEP可以帮助 resume and cover letter writing assistance, interview skills preparation, and mock 面试.


You must be a SNAP recipient and able to work upon completion of your educational 程序. 请填写STEP兴趣表格. We will contact you shortly and include information about how to take your first STEP的准备步骤.

重要的TANF接受者没有资格参加STEP. 然而,如果你接近 在您的TANF登记结束后,请填写 STEP兴趣表格 这样我们就可以研究一下你在tanf之后的选择. 有TANF的学生可以联系 博天堂官方就业计划 有关其他教育支持选项.


不,参加STEP是免费的. 然而,注册是有成本的 在博天堂官方. Your STEP Coach with work with you to navigate potential funding sources. 
If I am enrolled in STEP, does that mean that I am enrolled 在博天堂官方?
No. You must still apply for admission to 博天堂官方 and register for classes.
I don't have a ride to get to campus for my appointments or classes. 我还能参加吗??
是的. 有许多课程是虚拟或在线提供的. 此外,你还有 access to public transportation, and STEP participants have access to assistance for 用于培训和教育的交通工具.
Can STEP help with obtaining a GED or help me improve my English skills? 
是的. 的 步计划 can assist you with the cost of a GED and English language classes 和测试. To find orientation dates for GED, Spanish GED, and ELA classes, review 即将到来的迎新日期. 教练可以帮助你进行短期训练 当你准备进入你的大学水平的学习计划.

你可以用 博天堂官方的职业教练评估工具 为指导. 此外,导航器 博天堂官方第一度假村办公室 能帮助你确定重点领域吗.

数据库等 质量信息职业展望手册 use data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Oregon Employment Department to provide the latest information about jobs that might interest you before you apply. Once you select an occupation, you can read about what career professionals do on the job, how to become qualified, and what the growth potential and wage range for 那份工作属于你的领域.


的 步计划 can assist you with the cost of up to 12 credits per year. 这个项目 can also assist with costs associated with books and supplies, specific 程序 needs, 交通援助.

从这里开始完成联邦学生援助(FAFSA)的免费申请. 这是应用程序 for Pell Grants, federal student loans, the Oregon Opportunity, and Oregon Promise 奖助金. Additionally, many scholarship application require that you have a FAFSA completed. 

WIOA奖学金: 社区 Services Consortium’s vocational scholarship offers up to $3000 for short-term 在林县和本顿县的培训项目. 这项奖学金是由 劳动力创新与机会法案(WIOA). 
了解更多并申请CSC WIOA奖学金.

奖学金及助学金: Need-based and merit-based scholarships and 奖助金 are available from 博天堂官方. 一些 are 程序-specific, some are based on the level of need of the student, or both. 

学生入学和完成办公室(OSAC)奖学金: You may qualify for many scholarships offered within the state of Oregon, based on where you went to high school, where your parents worked, your household composition, 你的专业,你的兴趣,以及许多其他类别. 填写一份申请表 通过这个数据库申请数百个奖学金.

移民学生奖学金: World Education Services provides a scholarship-finding tool that searches databases 根据你的祖国申请奖学金.

额外的奖学金: FastWeb is a database of scholarships from private and public organizations, employers, 来自美国各地的个人和非营利组织. 有成千上万的奖学金 available, some with unique application processes (making a video that shows how to fix something, writing an essay that describes your love of coffee, even answering 关于地理和电影的小问题). 创建个人资料,查看奖学金 你可能会收到.


If you are not eligible for federal financial aid, you may still be eligible to file 俄勒冈州学生资助申请(ORSAA). 通过填写 ORSAA Questionnaire, you can find out which financial aid application you should file 你可以采取哪些步骤来获得资格.

你是在美国以外的地方接受教育的吗? 使用这些来自世界教育的工具 服务,找出你的凭据比较如何在美国.

Upwardly Global helps work-authorized immi奖助金, refugees, asylees, and Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs) restart their professional careers in the United States. 注册 获取执照、求职等资源.
了解更多关于Upwardly Global.

STEP can assist with the cost of GED and English language classes 和测试.
Find an upcoming orientation date for GED, Spanish GED, and ELA classes.


STEP offers assistance with building a resume and preparing materials for job applications. 大多数工作都需要在线申请、简历和求职信. 你的教练可以 也可以帮助你为面试做准备. 


是的. 完成或更新iMatchSkills配置文件. 同时报名参加国家职业联赛 就绪证书(NCRC).

iMatchSkills matches current, local job openings to the profile you create so that you can find job listings that correspond to your skills, experience, and interest. An iMatchSkills account is the first step to enrolling in STEP, as well as registering for workshops for job seekers (including the NCRC) at your local Worksource Oregon 办公室. 

If you already have an account, log in with your username and password and make sure 你的信息是最新的. 如果没有,请点击“创建帐户”并关注 的指令. 一旦你创建了个人资料并登录,你就可以学习了 the NCRC by clicking the link that says “Work-Related Skills Review” under the Resources 及服务标题.



是的! 的 Roadrunner资源中心 一站式服务是否能帮助寻找当地基本需求的资源. 

You can also meet with the 博天堂官方 Roadrunner资源中心 to find ways to afford:

  • 照顾孩子
  • 食品杂货
  • 租金
  • 医疗保健
  • 公用事业公司

更多信息,请发送电子邮件 resources@aaay5.com.


拨打211电话或亲临现场 211信息.

的 社区 Services Consortium has compiled a Resource Guide listing local organizations 在林、本顿和林肯县提供支持.



For information about placement testing, including hours, how to schedule your test, 还有样题, 查看此分班测试信息.


电子邮件: walkerje@aaay5.com
办公室:Willamette Hall, WH 213

Julia Larsen, STEP教练
电子邮件: larsenj@aaay5.com
办公室:Willamette Hall, wh211

Kory Sessions-Riseley, Student Success Specialist and First Resort Navigator
电子邮件: sessiok@aaay5.com

Andrea Piercy, STEP教练
电子邮件: piercya@aaay5.com
办公室:Willamette Hall, wh212

Jessica Abblitt, STEP教练
电子邮件: abblitj@aaay5.com
办公室:Willamette Hall, wh210


博天堂官方 步计划 was launched at 林本顿社区学院 in October 2016.

博天堂官方 STEP is a partnership with the Oregon 社区 College Consortia and Oregon 人类服务部.  STEP计划的目的是帮助SNAP受助人 to obtain the postsecondary education and training needed to obtain living-wage employment 经济流动性.